Monday, April 28, 2008

Playing with my Lion

I have learned how to sit on my lion. But, I can't quite figure out how to use my feet to make it go forward.

I have been sick for a week, and am finally starting to feel better. Mommy and Daddy are really glad.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I need a haircut

Mommy can't decide if she should cut my hair or continue to let it grow. As you can see, some of it reaches my nose.

Many people have asked if I am ready for my brother. I think so. I am pretty good at sharing, and I can be helpful when I want to be. Mommy is nervous about me while she is in the hospital, but I will be fine.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

E is Smart!

Elizabeth has suprised us at how intelegent she is getting. Here are a few examples:

Yesterday she was playing in her room after breakfast. She managed to open the bottom drawer of her dresser and pull out a yellow jumper. She then brought the jumper in to the kitchen where I was washing dishes and held it up.
Mom: "Would you like to wear that today?"
E: "Ya"
Mom: "Okay, lets go get you changed."
So she walked with me back to her room.

This morning Daddy asked her if she would like to go for a walk. Again, she said "ya" and brought him both of his shoes so they could go.

We love our E.
(Sorry no picture this time. It is packed in the hospital bag in case we have to make a quick get-a-way.)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Where there's a Will

There is definitely a way! Elizabeth must have wanted my phone really bad. She figured out how to climb up into the chair by herself while I was out of the room. I was only gone a minute. She definitely has a strong will!

Longer than normal nap

Elizabeth has taken a longer than normal morning nap. Perhaps she knows I am listening to conference. Today is the grand opening at the store Daddy works at. We are going in a little later to surprise him, and to hopefully get a few freebies.