Monday, June 29, 2009

Outfit Evolution

E's outfit has really evolved this morning. Now she is wearing size 0-3 month socks with size 13 shoes, (which are really frustrating her because they will NOT stay on like she thinks they should) and a strawberry shortcake shirt.

Irish Dancing

Elizabeth has been watching the Irish dancers on Sesame Street this morning. The show prompted her to go into her closet and ask for her tutu so she could dance like them. Notice the entranced look...she didn't want to take her eyes off the tv for the picture. Silly girl.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day. We love you Daddy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Making Apricot Jam

Elizabeth has been refusing to go to bed for me. Tonight I was busy making and canning apricot jam. This is how she finally fell asleep at 9:15.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Afternoon Activities

Since it is too hot outside to take walks in the afternoons, we have been playing in the water on the back porch. Both kids love being outside, and beg to go out after naps.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dear Elizabeth

Dear Elizabeth,
I want to tell you how much I love you. You and I have really struggled this week. You have inherited your mother's strong will and your father's stubbornness. For the past week, bedtime has only been a suggestion, and getting you dressed after bath time is even harder. But there are good moments too; like when you were walking down the isle in target this afternoon...10 ft ahead of me only to stop, turn around and say, "I'm Shoppin'!" Or when you insisted on more ketchup for your chicken nuggets and stuck your nose in it when Mommy wasn't looking. I also loved watching you play with friends and the excitement in your eyes when you learned how to get on the swing all by yourself. I hope the refusal to sleep in your own bed, and the screaming when something doesn't go quite like you want it too is just a phase. I pray that I can keep up with your energy and excitement for learning. You are so smart. You see things in your world that I have taken for granted and I love that about you.
Thank you for being my daughter. (And maybe, just maybe, Can Mommy win the bedtime war at least once in the coming week?...that would really boost my Mommy confidence.)
Love you,