Monday, April 09, 2007

Elizabeth's Birth Story

Elizabeth was born Tuesday January 30, 2007. She surprised everyone by coming two and a half weeks early. I had been feeling minor contractions all weekend and was very uncomfortable. I went to work on Monday, but it was very hard to concentrate or do much of anything. I finally told my boss at 3:00 that I had enough for one day and went home. Once I drove the long 45 minute drive, I still could not get comfortable. I was having a very hard time breathing and my chest felt like it was being compressed causing me to really breath hard. Around 6:30 we decided to call the nurse hotline because I knew something was wrong. By 10:30 we were in the car driving to the hospital. After doing an exam, they discovered I was 2 cm dilated, so they admitted me and we started the labor process. I was miserable, not being able to breathe or relax. At 11:00 am I was dilated enough to have an epidural. At 1:00 the doctor came in and broke my water. At 9:00 that evening I was completely dilated and ready to push. Jeremy was so great and patient through the whole thing. I pushed for two hours, but the baby just would not come. Elizabeth Jane was born at 23:23 with the help of a vacuum extractor. She weighed 7 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long.